Dear Editor ... 1, ALL COLOR (incomplete). Dear Editor, I have to tell you about an experience that I had recently ... that might be of interest to your readers.
I had a blind date with a chick who was supposed to to be really terrific...I didn't know just how terrific she would be! At the appointed time, I rang the bell to her apartment.
She was leaning against the back of the chair. Her long hair, it looked like it was bright red, cascaded down around her shoulders, which looked bare. As I looked closer, I saw that her dress was up in her lap and her legs were spread apart.
Then, with a shock, I noticed that her hand was moving in and out of her crotch. This bitch was sitting there mastur- bating. That's why she couldn't come to the door when I rang the bell.
Genre: Classic magazine, Adult, Sex magazine, Hairy, Blonde, Straight